Thursday, November 09, 2006
No particular reason why I've been gone, I just got out of the habit of posting. I will try to rectify that.
First thing is the most important thing. Yesterday's election, and the results. The Democrats are back. We won not just the House, but the Senate too.
Unlike most of my Democratic counterparts, I don't feel elation. I never viewed this election - or any other election - as a competition, a popularity contest. I take it much too seriously for that. For me, these elections have always been the answer to the question "who do we trust to make decisions that will profoundly affect us and future generations in countless aspects of our lives?"
Today, as a Democrat, one of the things that I feel is a tremendous sense of responsibility. We Democrats have been entrusted with the future of our entire country. It is now up to us to lead. It is both an honor and a challenge that we cannot take lightly.
But mostly what I feel today is a sense of relief.
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